The right team, brilliant leadership, and a business model that has evolved as much as you have will make your legacy dreams come true, without having to turn yourself into a pretzel to fit into the latest business trend, out hustle the competition, or toss your self-care routine to the wind (like you did in your 30s.) 






...and spaciousness to enjoy it all. 

I believe in building legacy businesses that reflect who you are now, in your 50s. Unapologetically. 

And I will equip you with the kind of business growth strategies and leadership shifts that will pour rocket fuel on your legacy dreams, so no matter where success has led you, you’ve got mind-blowing, life-changing impact ahead of you. 

More About Me


The right team, brilliant leadership, and a business model that has evolved as much as you have will make your legacy dreams come true, without having to turn yourself into a pretzel to fit into the latest business trend, out hustle the competition, or toss your self-care routine to the wind (like you did in your 30s.) 






...and spaciousness to enjoy it all. 

I believe in building legacy businesses that reflect who you are now, in your 50s. The crone. The wise one. Unapologetically. 

And I will equip you with the kind of business growth strategies and leadership shifts that will pour rocket fuel on your legacy dreams, so no matter where success has led you, you’ve got mind-blowing, life-changing impact ahead of you. 

More About Me

At a plateau?
Same problem keeps rearing its ugly head?
Team not performing?
Facing a tough decision? 

I can help it go away. 


Entrepreneurship in your 50s looks different than it did in your 30s. Your dreams and aspirations are still big AF. Probably even bigger. But you’re no longer willing to be the sacrificial lamb to make things happen. 

The work you’re putting out there is really freakin’ good but it’s not reflecting who you are now. The brilliant human you’ve evolved into. The perspective. The depth. You want to go deeper. Lead mind-altering conversations. Curate life-changing experiences. Develop lasting bonds. 

In mid-life, you have a much broader perspective than you did in your 30s. You’re looking back and seeing into the future, simultaneously. You see the initiations you’ve been through that have shaped the person you are today…and you’re freakin’ proud of what you’ve lived through, and what you’ve created out of the dust that settled. 

You want to tell your story. From the vantage point that you have now. It’s not just a snippet in time anymore, it’s a legacy. Your legacy. 

You want someone in your corner. Someone who can hold the vision with you, without shrinking it down into tactics and strategies that *works*.  A mentor that sees you, can dream just as big, and has a sh*t ton of real-world business experience, so if you pop in to talk through a clusterf*ck situation with your team or review the P/L statements from the last 6 months to cut expenses, or a limited mindset pattern you’re still carrying from past trauma…they’re IN it with you. They get it. They get you. 

YOU are the LEGACY

Your Legacy? Click here to learn MORE

This is the kind of space I hold for my clients. 


Entrepreneurship in your 50s looks different than it did in your 30s. Your dreams and aspirations are still big AF. Probably even bigger. But you’re no longer willing to be the sacrificial lamb to make things happen. 

The work you’re putting out there is really freakin’ good but it’s not reflecting who you are now. The woman you’ve evolved into. The wise one. The crone. You want to go deeper. Lead mind-altering conversations. Curate life-changing experiences. Develop lasting bonds. 

In mid-life, you have a much broader perspective than you did in your 30s. You’re looking back and seeing into the future, simultaneously. You see the initiations you’ve been through that have shaped the woman you are today…and you’re freakin’ proud of what you’ve lived through, and what you’ve created out of the dust that settled. 

You want to tell your story. From the vantage point that you have now. It’s not just a snippet in time anymore, it’s a legacy. Your legacy. 

You want someone in your corner. Someone who can hold the vision with you, without shrinking it down into tactics and strategies that *works*.  A mentor that sees you, can dream just as big, and has a sh*t ton of real-world business experience, so if you pop in to talk through a clusterf*ck situation with your team or review the P/L statements from the last 6 months to cut expenses, or a limited mindset pattern you’re still carrying from past trauma…they’re IN it with you. They get it. They get you. 

YOU are the LEGACY

Your Legacy? Click here to learn MORE

This is the kind of space I hold for my clients. 

work with me

I'm Madeleine Wyke Silva

I believe that every wise woman has within her the potency and power to change the world, when given access to the kind of team and mentorship that build legacies.

My mission is to empower wise women on a global scale. Giving them real-world business strategies to build life changing, legacy wealth, turning the power dynamics of the world on their head.

I believe great leaders with great wealth build great things. I believe you can be one of them. I know I can help you build it. 

Hey there!


...and I help women build legacies.


I believe that every CEO has within them the potency and power to change the world, when given access to the kind of team and mentorship that build legacies.

My mission is to empower CEOs on a global scale. Giving them real-world business strategies to build life changing, legacy wealth, turning the power dynamics of the world on their head.

I believe great leaders with great wealth build great things. I believe you can be one of them. I know I can help you build it. 

...and I help CEOs build legacies. 

Work With Me

Hey there!

I'm Madeleine Wyke Silva